Running 44@60 - tips, ideas and advice for your first ultra marathon or marathon

Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon Record Holder Edward Chapman on how to run a 7 day race in the desert

Trevor Lee Season 1 Episode 66

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The Kalahari Augrabies Extreme Marathon is an iconic staged self-sufficient 250km run known as the 'Big Daddy'. Starting in 2000 it attracts those seeking one of the ultimate tests of 7 day running.
Edward Chapman has completed the event a record 12 times - 5 more than anyone else. Edward shares his experiences, tips, and advice on how to prepare and plan and complete this gruelling event.
In October 2021 he's planning to take it number 13.
Find out more about the event here
Edward also mentions the 6 stage 250km self supported Ultra Race Romania taking place in August 2021 and which he is due to compete in. Details here.
You can connect with Edward in Linked In and on Twitter

The Running 44@60 podcast began as a learning / motivational tool for host Trevor Lee in his quest to run a first ever ultra - the Classic Quarter in 2021 - here's the story of Running 44@60

It now has over 140 episodes and is aimed at those thinking about and committing to their first ever ultra.

Trevor wrote a book : 12 Business Lessons from Running an Ultra Marathon - all proceeds go to the Children's Hospice South West

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